# 1. User-defined inflections # (TODO) # 2. No plural inflection (fish|ois|sheep|deer|pox|itis)$ x x ^ephemeris$ x x ^iris$ x x ^clitoris$ x x ^chrysalis$ x x ^epididymis$ x x # 3. Pronouns # 4. Standard irregular plurals # 5. Common irregular inflections man$ man$ men louse$ louse$ lice mouse$ mouse$ mice tooth$ tooth$ teeth goose$ goose$ geese foot$ foot$ feet zoon$ zoon$ zoa [csx]is$ is$ es # 6. Classical inflections ex$ ex$ ices um$ um$ a on$ on$ a a$ a$ ae # 7. Classical variants of modern inflections trix$ trix$ trices eau$ eau$ eaux ieu$ ieu$ ieux [iay]nx$ nx$ nges # (TODO) # 8. -ch, -sh, -ss ch$ ch$ ches sh$ sh$ shes ss$ ss$ sses s$ s$ ses # 9. -f [aeo]lf$ f$ ves [^d]eaf f$ ves arf$ f$ ves [nlw]ife$ fe$ ves # 10. -y [aeiou]y$ y$ ys [A-Z].*y$ y$ ys y$ y$ ies # 11. -o # (TODO - eg photos) [aeiou]o$ o$ os o$ o$ o # 12. Compound words. Unlikely to happen! # 11. General case - add s. $ $ s